Friday, June 6, 2014

Day 1 - Getting started

We've officially started potty training.  I wasn't sure if we should start today or not because he's sick and had a bit of a rough night last night.  He has this persistent cough that keeps him up unless he's taken Tylenol recently.  I gave him some last night before he went to bed, then again at midnight and again at 5 am. He wasn't crying any of those times, but coughing coughing coughing, so I went up to find him laying awake in his bed.  Sweet little guy.  But, I'm anxious to get started to so I decided to throw caution to the wind and give it a shot anyway.

While Henry was in his crib this morning, I went in and told him that we were going to try going pee pee in the potty today so we needed to say bye-bye to his diapers.  Then I asked him if he wanted to try going pee pee in the potty like a big boy and like mommy and daddy.  He shook his head yes.  So I told him that we weren't going to wear any diaper at all and that when he has to go potty, he should tell mommy and go sit down on the potty.  He again shook his head.  I took that as the affirmation I needed that he was ready and not too sick to try.

We're going to try a mixture of the "potty train in 3 days" and our own method.  Basically, we're going to keep him bare for three solid days straight (except for naps and over night) and then I guess try pull ups when we're back to Aunt Amy's house on Monday.  No idea how/if this is going to work, but I'm ready and I feel like he's ready so it's go time.  It would be so awesome to have him potty trained before new baby comes.  I'm trying to keep my expectations low and my optimism/patience high so that no matter what happens, we're pleased.  We'll see.

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