Saturday, June 7, 2014

Day 2, post nap - Another success!!

Pee pee in the potty!  Pee pee in the potty!!  Hooray!!  We did it!  Again, not sure if he's getting it or not but he's at least relaxing enough to let it flow when he's sitting on it.  Hooray hooray hooray!!  Maybe tomorrow we'll push back to an hour and see if he can tell us that he has to go?  I ask him if he's gone when he's sitting on the potty but 90% of the time he says yes so he's not a very reliable narrator.

Hooray!!  We're making progress!  We only had the two small accidents today and they were both on the way to his poop.  Way to go, baby boy!

1 comment:

  1. Love it! So cute! Yay Henry! Aunt Mel says you go, little dude!
