"Henry was very wet when he woke up. The top of his pj bottoms were damp. We sat on the potty right away but no action. We took the potty downstairs. he tried again four more times before we left for Amy's at 9:30 and we went a little bit one time. In between, he wet his diaper quite a bit once and also pooped in another. he had been on the potty shortly before the poop and again, he got very upset about pooping his pants. He cried during the entire clean up and even for a short while after, in spite of me repeating it was ok."
- Grandma, 11:27 am
"Hanky Pank went pee on the Elmo potty before his nap. He took a long nap today, 2.5 hours. As soon as he woke up I put him on the potty but he couldn’t go. We sat there about 10 minutes before I let him up. I’ll be trying again in about 25 minutes (he woke up at 3:30)."
- Aunt Amy, 4:02 pm
"My timing must be off. When I went to put Henry on the toilet he had poop in his diaper. I’ll try again soon, it was hard to tell if there was pee in the diaper too."
- Aunt Amy, 4:26 pm
Daddy picked him up from Aunt Amy's and took him home for dinner. He went pee pee in the potty before dinner, ate a HUGE dinner, then tried again before his bath. He didn't have any success then but did a great job after his bath. I was sitting right in front of him when we went and after going, he got up off the potty and came to sit in my lap. So it really does seem like he knows what he's doing and that he can get off when he's all done. Good job, little buddy.
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