Poo poo in the potty! Poo poo in the potty! Hooray hooray hooray!!! Guess who just pooped in the potty!! I'll give you a hint: it wasn't me or Matt. Well, I mean, I guess technically both Matt and I did poop in the potty today but I didn't really think that was blog worthy. Ha!
I wasn't sure it was going to work at all this time because he peed a little bit on the floor and said, "uh oh" which helped Daddy notice. Daddy was wonderful and swept him right onto the potty but didn't have him sit there very long. So then, they went outside to play at the water table and Daddy noticed Henry peeing, but Henry didn't say anything. So again, Daddy swept him up and put him on the potty. This time, I felt a little dumb because I knew he shouldn't have been done after the little pee he'd had. So I asked Matt to just leave him there this time, figuring that he probably wouldn't go a third time but at least it would reinforce the potty for peeing. Matt explained to him that pee pee goes in the potty and when he has to go, he needs to go to the potty. I still don't think he gets it because every time you say "did you go pee pee?" he flushes the potty. But anyway, we left him there for awhile and after about 5-10 minutes, he said, "uh-oh!" Which generally means he's peed. I ran over to look and saw pee on the floor, but he was still sitting on the potty. But he's a boy, so either his little dude was pointed in the wrong direction or he peed with such force that it ricocheted back out. Either way, he peed while sitting on the potty so we did the potty dance to celebrate. He was pretty upset about the pee on the floor, so I quickly got some paper towels to clean it up. He stayed on the potty while I did that and I peeped in the potty -- between his legs -- to see how much, if any, was in the potty. And I saw a few solid lumps. HOORAY!!
We did an exuberant dance, this time including both daddy and mommy, and helped him stand up so he could look in. He was very upset when he saw it there. We told him again and again that it was very good and hugged him and kissed him and gave him a sticker and did the potty dance, but he didn't seem very convinced. As with the pee pee, we picked up the potty and emptied it in the big potty, then let Henry flush. We wiped his bum and washed his hands and then let him have the iPad wherever he wanted. So far, he's only been allowed to play with it if he was sitting on the potty.
Anyway. He pooped in the potty. I'm over the moon excited about it. Still not sure if he has a clue what we're so excited about when we do the potty dance, but I think he'll get there. Hooray!!
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