Thursday, June 26, 2014

Week 3, Thursday - Transitions

Well, our Henry boy is doing great with his potty training.  Not so well at Aunt Amy's house, but he's really doing well at Grandma's and at home.  Just yesterday, Matt took him to gymnastics then out to run a few errands.  Henry held it the entire time they were out.  Matt brought the little potty with him, but for whatever reason, Henry didn't go until he got home.  He held it all the way to gymnastics, through the hour long class, during the stop to pick up the CSA and all the way home.  That's nearly 3 hours.  And he went both poop and pee as soon as Matt got him home and onto the potty.  What a big boy!  He's still having some trouble at Aunt Amy's house, but I suspect it's because he's just having too much fun to stop to go potty.  Disappointing, but he'll get it.

He's doing so well that I decided it was time to try the big toilet.  I ordered a ring for him to sit on and a stool so that he could climb up himself and both arrived yesterday.  He wasn't very interested at first but when I told him that it's what Mama does, he started saying, "Mama, mama" and got right up.  It took him a few minutes to get himself comfortable and situated on it but once he was, he was fine.  He went pee pee right away and then just sat for a few more minutes.  This morning, he went both poop and pee on it without any fuss.  Once we were all done, he was very interested in standing on his stool and peeping into the toilet at his... well, stool.  Ha!  Anyway, he flushed and waved bye bye to his poop, then picked up his stool to go climb other things.  He's such a big boy these days.  Below is a pic I snapped of him sitting on the toilet last night.  What a silly, big boy.


  1. Replies
    1. The "stool" joke was just for you. I almost put in there "that's for you, Aunt Stevie", but I wasn't sure whether or not you read this. Ha!
