Thursday, June 12, 2014

Day 7, lunch time - Poo poo in the Potty! Poo poo in the potty!

Hooray!  After a number of disappointing set backs, Henry boy pooped in the potty!  As I mentioned before, I gave him lots of juice so he had a bunch of accidents.  But he didn't tell me he was having them.  He didn't tell me that he had to pee but he also didn't tell me that he had gone.  And that was very disappointing to me because he'd been so good about that until now.  During lunch, he peed in his chair, so I got him off and put him on the potty, telling him that pee pee only goes in the potty and he needs to get on the potty or tell mommy when he needs to go.  He said ok and I left him there for awhile, much to his chagrin because he was still hungry.  After a few minutes, I let him get up and run around for a few minutes before our final potty try at nap time.  Haha, he started running circles around the kitchen table and diving on the rug in front of the door to the porch.  It was adorable.  He must have done that for about 10 minutes straight.

So then I put him back on the potty and left him there while I answered some email and cleaned up from lunch.  He told me that he'd peed again and I sang a song, congratulated him and asked him to stay there for a little while longer.  When I was ready to take him upstairs, I got him off the potty and was delighted to see that he'd pooped!!  I showed him and he looked legitimately surprised to see it in there.  I don't know if he was surprised that it had come out of him or just at what it looked like, but he had a little furrowed brow as he looked at it.  Then he said "bye-bye" and we took it to the big toilet to be flushed down.  Of course, we did big dances on the way, though.

He just got up from his nap and was dry.  I'm assuming that's because he peed so much before his nap and not because he's gaining bladder control but it's nice to hope.  :)  Hooray, Henry!!!  Everyone said there'd be setbacks and not to get disappointed.  And that's just how things seem to go.  There are enough setbacks to know that we've still got a long road ahead of us but enough successes that I don't feel like it's completely useless.  The day he tells us anything about having to go is going to be a BIG day.  Hooray!!

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