Sunday, June 8, 2014

Day 3, lunch time - He just keeps going and going and going...

So... I may have over done it with the juice.  He just keeps going.  Going and going and going.  Yes, he does it in the potty but he also has now done it in his red arm chair, on the floor in front of the potty, in his shopping cart, and various dribbles all over the floor.  My goodness!  The juice is effective if nothing else.  But the more times he pees, the more opportunities he has to succeed, so I guess that's good.  Just a little exasperating and disappointing because I really thought he got it.  This most recent time on the potty, he got on at the timer, sat down then nearly immediately popped right back up with a BIG smile on his face and pointed at the potty.  I asked if he'd gone and he shook his head yes.  Sure enough, he had!  I sat him back down and asked him to keep trying, to stay there until he was all empty.  He went again.  And again.  And again.  I don't know how many more times exactly but at least three more while I was watching.  Which honestly, is good, right?  I mean, it shows him that he may not be all empty just the first time he starts.  But keeping up with the messes is making mommy tired.

Grandpa asked why we're doing bare bottom.  There's a "potty train in three days" method that we're sort of following that calls for bare bottom training, but honestly, I'm doing it more for me.  I don't know how I'd know if he'd gone if he was wearing a pull up.  And with underoos, well, I'd have a lot more laundry to do.  According to the website for the 3 day potty training thing, it helps them, too, but I don't know exactly how.
This just in (or should I say, "out"): we just christened the floor again.  This one was particularly special because he ate beets for dinner last night so his poo was very very special indeed.  Like last time, he got upset after he did it, but he didn't try to hold it or make it to the potty.  Disappointing but again, it's only day 3.  I'm mostly disappointed because today ends most of my participation in the potty training escapade until the weekend.  I know we can't really expect him to be potty trained in 3 days (especially when we didn't follow the "potty train in 3 days" method) but I was hoping we'd at least be at a point where he could tell us that he needs to go.  I'm not sure that's going to happen or even that he'll do the whole "uh-oh" thing once he's back in a diaper.  But I guess that's Aunt Amy's problem then.  I considered getting cloth training pants because I've heard those are much more effective than pull-ups, but Amy has Carter in pull-ups and thought that Henry and Carter may help each other while they're in the same thing.  I guess we'll see.

Just feeling a little deflated like I failed a bit.  I have to remind myself that we had some BIG wins over the past few days and that we've still really got three months until this baby comes so there's a lot of time to work with him before then.

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