Monday, June 23, 2014

Week 3, Monday - Weekend recap and today's successes

Well, at the risk of jinxing ourselves, methinks our boy is pretty much potty trained.  Can I say that?  I don't know.  He hasn't had an accident at home in... I don't remember the last one.  Over a week at least.  He does get stuff on the floor from time to time but it's when he goes and jumps up too excitedly before he's completely done.  He had an accident at Grandma's last week on Thursday.  We have only tried him on the potty, never on the toilet.  And we haven't even begun to attempt to do anything with nap time or over night.  So can I say that he's potty trained?  I guess not.  But we're not using diapers anymore for anything other than naps and over night.  He's just doing so great.  We're still bare bottomed at home but will be doing training pants at Aunt Amy's and Grandma's going forward.  We still have the pull ups in case the training pants don't do the trick, but I'm hoping that we don't need them.

We also moved him into his big boy room this weekend.  We aren't done with the bed yet, but we have him on a mattress on the floor in the interim.  I expect to have the bed done by this weekend so we'll be able to make this kind of a step-by-step transition.  I guess for the over night thing, we'll end up switching him into some sort of over night diaper he can pull down so he can get up and go in the potty if he needs to?  I have zero idea how the over night thing happens.  Does it just kind of happen on its own?  No clue.

I guess the next thing for us to do is to work on getting him onto the actual toilet.  There's not a lot we can do to help keep him from having accidents at Grandma's or Aunt Amy's so I guess that part is up to them.  We'll just keep being consistent at home and when we're out.  And I guess the rest will just come?  No idea.  Honestly, I don't even know how to make the transition from the potty to the toilet.  We'll have to get a little step before we start that and I'm thinking maybe we'll just wait until after my family is here for the 4th of July.  In the mean time, we'll just keep encouraging him to tell us when he's ready.  Sweet boy.  He's been doing so incredibly great.  I'm so proud of him!

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