Monday, June 16, 2014

Day 10, recap - Downs and big ups!

We had some exciting success yesterday.  :)  After a relatively disappointing morning where he'd pooped in his diaper before I got him up then peed on the floor, we successfully peed in the potty once before leaving to meet Daddy, the Terlizzis and Grandma/Grandpa for a Father's Day lunch at the golf course.  Henry was a bit of a terror during lunch, being very clingy, not wanting to sit in his high chair, and throwing just about everything we'd give him.  We brought the potty with us, but he kept telling us he didn't have to go and when we put him on the potty after lunch, we found his diaper to be soaked.  :(  Not too surprising because there were lots of distractions and I can't really blame him for not wanting to be taken away from the excitement just to sit on the potty, but I was still pretty disappointed.

But then, after his nap, we took him to the play ground and the pool at the beginning of our community.  We played hard for about an hour on the playground.  We kicked and chased the big, blue ball and hit a tennis ball off a tee.  We ran and ran and rolled and jumped and slid and swung and did all sorts of fun playground things.  And right in the middle, Henry told us that he had to go potty.  Really.  So we set it up in the trunk and had him sit, only to find that he was being honest and really did have to go.  Hooray Henry!  I liked doing that because it showed that we could take a break from the fun for potty time but that we could continue having fun after.  Once he was good and sweaty and red-faced, we decided to cool down in the pool.  Daddy and Henry swam and played with the big, blue ball in the pool for about an hour when Henry got out and again told us that he had to go potty.  Sure enough, when we took off his swim diaper and put him on the potty in the trunk, he peed right away.  Hooray for bladder control!  Hooray for communication!  I'm so proud of this big boy!!

Maybe, just maybe, we really can have him potty trained by the time baby #2 comes in September!?  Trying not to get my hopes up that high but he's doing SO well!  He's still having accidents and he's not communicating well at Grandma's or Aunt Amy's but it was only day 10 and he's taking breaks from super fun time to go potty?  I think that's VERY encouraging.  :D

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