Thursday, June 12, 2014

Day 7, pm - Poo x 2?

That's right, folks!  You heard it here first: Henry boy pooped in the potty TWICE today!!  No, that is not an exaggeration or a Tale from the Crypt but an actual second doody into the potty.  I'm stunned, shocked, excited beyond belief!  Also, which is kind of even more exciting, I was folding laundry when Henry started to pee and I jumped up, saying, "no no no!" and he stopped.  I whisked him onto the potty and as soon as he sat down, he started going again.  Now, he didn't tell me that he needed to go, but he was able to stop when I asked him to.  And that seems like a big deal.  Yes, I had to clean some more pee up off the floor but it wasn't much and he ended up going a lot in the potty.

As far as our second poo goes, I had some hints that we might get there before bed time.  We were outside watching daddy mow the lawn (and jumping like a crazy man on the trampoline) when mommy decided it was time to come in and get a drink.  I picked him up and he tooted all over me.  It's not poop and he's a baby, but I have to tell you, it's not fun when anyone toots on you, grown-up, baby or otherwise.  Funny, yes, but fun? Not so much. Anyway, we sat on the potty while mommy got dinner ready and had a nice big cup of watery juice.  During dinner, he peed in his chair again (d'oh!) and then got really fidgety.  I thought, at first, it was because his chair was wet but he rocked to the side hard enough once to let a big toot fly.  I asked him if he was done eating and we got out to sit on the potty.  It hadn't been 30 minutes yet, but he'd already peed in his chair again and those toots had me thinking that there was going to be some number two action a-coming.  Sure enough, I heard a few more toots on the potty and when I came back down from running his bath, he'd gone both numbers one and two.  Way to go, big guy!!  Mommy is so proud of you!!!

1 comment:

  1. Yay, Henry!!! Let's be as successful tomorrow while Grandma is watching you!! (You'll get lots of kudos and it will make Grandma look good too! heehee)
