Sunday, June 8, 2014

Day 3, post nap, hour 1 - bladder control

My new theory is that he's just beginning to understand bladder control.  He did go pee pee in the potty after his nap, but it was only a couple of drips.  He was very proud of himself, though, so we celebrated accordingly.  I gave him a bunch of juice after and figured we'd go back to the "going, going, going" stage.  But what happened this time -- when mommy was watching him like a hawk -- was interesting.  he had a few dribbles in the house to which he exclaimed, "uh-oh!!"  I told him it was ok and told him that if he has to go pee pee, to sit on the potty.  He dribbled another time so I set him on the potty and told him that if he wanted the iPad, he needed to go pee pee in the potty.  He did another dribble and celebrated, but mommy wasn't happy with that.  We went out onto the porch and he dribbled a couple of more times, exclaiming each time, and I again told him that if he has to go pee pee, to sit on the potty.  I helped him sit down and he peed.  A lot.  He tried to get up after one but I told him to stay until he was all done and when he sat down, he went a few more times.  Quite a lot.

So, here's what I think: he recognizes what going pee pee feels like but he doesn't quite recognize the urge to pee feeling.  So it's not until it's leaking out that he knows he has to go.  And by that point, it's too late to get on the potty.  He's able to stop it, but doesn't seem to be able to recognize that it's time to go.  So it's not until mommy puts him on the potty that he really gets it.  But then, he really does seem to get it.  If we're able to keep this trend going, hopefully he'll gain the bladder control and recognize the urge to pee before too long.  I think this is a pretty good spot to be in after 3 days.  The poop thing on the other hand?  Well.  That's an entirely different bird all together.  No idea how that's going to go.  At least he doesn't seem to have a block against it like some kids so that's something.

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